Why You Should Backup Your Website

If you are a website owner and value your website or blog, backing up your website content and data is important. 70% of small businesses fail after a data loss. All the more reason to backup your data. I use Amazon Web Services S3 for storage of my website data. […]

Blogging for the PHP Programmer

If you are an inspiring PHP Programmer or an old hat PHP Developer you should have a blog. A blog can help you stand out. In this article I will offer some guidance on blogging, why you should blog, types of blogs, doing research, how to rank, and much more. […]

Becoming an Entry Level PHP Programmer

This article gives some guidance on how to become a PHP / MySql developer and what you will need to know. I assume you have some programming and database familiarity because we will start at that level. You will need a simple development and testing environment. I go over that […]

Different Types of Hosting and Hosting Providers

In this article I will cover PHP hosting platforms, types of hosting, types of hosting providers and their differences. I will also cover the advantages and disadvantages of each. This article is based on my experience in the industry and having been employed by two of the largest hosting providers […]